Wednesday, February 2, 2011

3rd Indonesian Rice Crop Circle : Jan 29th 2011

The 3rd crop circle of 2011 was reported once again in a rice field in Indonesia. This one appeared in Tegalrejo, Magelang, Java, Indonesia on the 29th of January 2011. Below is a close up ground image of the central circle of the formation.

Here is a rough sketch of the 3rd Indonesian crop circle formation ...

A local TV news broadcast contains some video footage that sheds light to the design of this 3rd rice circle :

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2nd Indonesian Crop Circle : Wanujoyo, Yogyakarta Java

A smaller version of the 1st crop circle formation reported on Jan 23rd in Rejosari Village, Yogyakarta was reported on January 25th 2011 in Bantul Wanujoyo, Yogyakarta Java Indonesia.

Basically these two crop circles appeared in Indonesia are like twins. With Yogyakarta, Java being the centre, the first crop circle is located to its North and the second one is located to the South.

In 2008 and 2009 several UFOs were seen in Bantul and in the surroundings. It is possible too that they are showing us the the Magnetic Fields are moving through all over the world and it is possible that this part of the globe is influenced by this phenomenon.

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